Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Autograph manuscript by André Breton written between December 1958 and January 1959, published in BIEF No.4 in February 1959.
Two images, a descriptive note, a series, a bibliography.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Autograph manuscript by André Breton written between December 1958 and January 1959, published in BIEF No.4 in February 1959.
Two images, a descriptive note, a series, a bibliography.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Manuscript by André Breton filed as ‘unclassifiable’, among drawings by Robert Desnos and texts from the early 1920s.
Three images, a description, links, a collection.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Un petit jeu de société : donner ses préférences musicales, romanesques, picturales, poétiques, cinématographiques sous la forme d'une série de listes de cinq noms. On peut voir dans ces manuscrits une première esquisse du jeu de la notation scolaire.
[Manuscripts] chemise de manuscrits surréalistes, [Manuscrits] Louis Aragon
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Feuillets manuscrits autographes de la main d'André Breton datant environ de 1935.
10 images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie.
[Jeux surréalistes] enveloppe Jeux surréalistes, [Jeux surréalistes] Jeu des questions-réponses
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Proofs of promotional extracts from Nadja, dating from 1927, and corrected in André Breton's hand.
28 images, a descriptive note, a collection.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Manuscrits à l'encre noire de Samuel Bounine datés de 1923 et 1924.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
André Breton's handwritten notebook, dated from Autumn 1923 to June 1924. Fragments published in Littérature, drafts of ideas for the Manifesto of Surrealism, etc.
25 images, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a library.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Manuscrit publié dans la revue parisienne de langue anglaise This Quarter en 1932.
12 images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, un manuscrit associé.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Text of André Breton’s lecture given during a meeting of the AEAR at the Salle du Grand-Orient on 23 February 1933.
Nine images, a descriptive note, a bibliography.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Manuscript of a game called ‘Will you open?’ to be published in Médium, autumn 1953.
An image, a description, a bibliography.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Première version de la chronologie établie par André Breton pour le numéro spécial de Flair prévu en 1953.
39 images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, une série.
[Archives] Dossier Flair, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Revue] Numéro spécial de Flair (1953)
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
File of reading notes and first draft manuscripts for the preface to the 1954 edition of Melmoth ou l'Homme errant [Melmoth the Wanderer] published by Jean-Jacques Pauvert.
11 images, a description.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Manuscript signed by André Breton, dated 3 March 1956.
An image, a descriptive note, a museum, an associated work.
[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [Breton's Manuscripts and Drawings] dossier Le Surréalisme et la peinture, Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Manuscrits signés d'André Breton, non datés, datant sans doute de mai 1957.
17 images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, un lien.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Manuscrits signés d'André Breton, non datés [1957].
Cinq images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, un lien.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Manuscript by André Breton written on 26 October 1958 for the first issue of the journal BIEF, Jonction surréaliste.
Two images, a description, some links.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Ensemble de manuscrits et de notes daté de Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, août 1959.
Neuf images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie.
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Second draft of the manuscript of ‘Perspective cavalière’, originally titled ‘Qu'à cela ne tienne’ (‘Never mind’), published in no. 5 of La Brèche in October 1963.
Five images, a description, a link, a bibliography.
[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, [Journal] La Brèche
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Handwritten text by André Breton dated 7 May 1936, which would be published in the definitive edition of Surrealism and Painting in 1965.
One image, one descriptive notice, one bibliography.
[Breton's Manuscripts and Drawings] dossier Le Surréalisme et la peinture, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts
Valentine Hugo (Person cited)
Manuscript of a text by André Breton devoted to Matta, undated, written during the summer of 1944 and published in Le Surréalisme et la peinture in 1965.
Five images, a description, a bibliography, a library.
[Breton's Manuscripts and Drawings] dossier Le Surréalisme et la peinture