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[Manuscrits d'AB] Perspective cavalière

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8 Works

[To enter the darkness of a dream is...]


Letter from Georgina Dubreuil to André Breton, dated 18 February 1955.

16 images, a descriptive notice, an associated work.

[Correspondance] Lettres de Georgina Dubreuil, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Manuscrits d'AB] Perspective cavalière


At the Right Time

André Breton


Manuscript of two texts published as a brief in the review Medium, November 1953.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Perspective cavalière, [Journal] Médium


I Don't Like Saying Goodbye [This is a play on ' _À Dieu ne plaise!_' (God forbid!)]

André Breton


Manuscript by André Breton in memory of Francis Picabia read on 4 December, 1953.

Four images, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a library.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Perspective cavalière, [Journal] Médium


Everyday magic

André Breton


Manuscript signed by André Breton and dated 24 February, 1955.

Seven images, a descriptive notice, a bibliography, an associated work.

[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Manuscrits d'AB] Perspective cavalière


Perspective cavalière

André Breton


Recueil de textes, d'articles et d'interventions d'André Breton écrits entre 1952 et 1966. L'ensemble est publié en 1970 aux éditions Gallimard.

Deux images, une notice descriptive, une bibliogrphie, un lien.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Perspective cavalière


Response to an enquiry in La Nacion

André Breton


Manuscript of an interview with Breton by Eugenio F. Granell published in Spanish in the Dominican newspaper La Nacion on 28 May 1941.
Three images, a descriptive note, a bibliography.

[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Manuscrits d'AB] Perspective cavalière


The accursed novelist, Georges Darien

André Breton


Manuscript by André Breton of a text dated 7 May 1955 that was published in Arts in May 1955. It would be republished as the preface of the Julliard edition of Le Voleur in 1964, and then in Breton’s Perspective cavalière in 1970.

An image, a description, a bibliography.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Perspective cavalière, [Revue] Arts


On Andre Gide

André Breton


Manuscript by André Breton dated 6 February 1952 dedicated to André Gide, who died in 1951.

Two images, a descriptive note, a bibliography.

[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Manuscrits d'AB] Perspective cavalière