
Home Page > Mentions légales et crédits

Legalities and Credits


This site presents the collection of André Breton, which he collected throughout his life. It is now online under the direction of the Association Atelier André Breton, presided over by Aube Elléouët, daughter of the poet.

This site is dedicated to the study of surrealism, and research on the movement, its artists and authors. It is offered to you in this goal. It is up to you to help us complete certain lacunae in the history of the collection, and add your own knowledge of Surrealism, Folk Art, Graphic Arts or Tribal Arts to the site. If you possess supplementary information, letters or other documents which refer to certain correspondence, objects or manuscripts that are presented here, you can send us a copy with a commentary through the the wiki. Our advisory board will immediately be able to review your comment or suggestion and it will be published online under the non-commercial creative commons license, attributed to an author, citable by the same conditions (cc-by-nc-sa).

You can also share information through your social media networks. With your help, we can continue to complete information on this site, which will be published with the goal to help further the study of surrealism.

The presentation of content on this site constitutes, together, a work protected by intellectual property rights, of whom, Aube Breton-Elléouët and Oona Elléouët are the owners. Reproductions and representations, partial or whole, cannot be made without prior authorization given in writing by the aforementioned beneficiaries.

The drawings, photographs, images, videos, texts and other documents represented on the present website are objects of industrial property and/or intellectual property, and depending on the case, are property of Aube Breton-Elléouët, or an authorized third party who has authorized use to, the website platform, only.

To this end, reproductions, representations, adaptations, translations and/or transformations whether they be partial or complete, are thoroughly forbidden, with the exception of those done for the Press. The links for the official Facebook page, for the Twitter feed are not exempt from these legal conditions.



© Studio Sébert, Paris 2003 for the photographs, not excluding other mentions if noted.
© ADAGP, 2013 for the works of artists under copyright law, not excluding other mentions if noted.
© CalmelsCohen, 2003 for the texts and the photographs of the auction catalogue - the descriptive notices were added by Pierre-Yves Agasse in 2005, and the short descriptions by Constance Krebs since 2009.
© Centre Pompidou/RMNGP, for the image of Jacques Faujour taken in 1994 in the atelier of rue Fontaine, and for the creation of the interactive diorama, Sabine de Valon and her senior class AMACV at the Lycée Saint-Étienne de Cahors, a big thank you to: Elaura Allain, Léa Arciprete, William Bernard, Maeva Billon-Grand, Aymeric Chotar-Vasseur, Mélanie Coufignals, Charles Entraygues, Cloé Fabre, Franck Fraysse, Laureen Lhortolary, Laurine Marchandeau, Robin Muns, Chloé Nougarolis, Éva Pinguet, Alexandre Pradelles, Thomas Privat, Aristide Ruols, Rémi Schaming, and Beryle Wenzinger.
© Boris Lipnitzki / Roger-Viollet, circa 1946, Parisian photographer for the portrait of Breton on the home page.
© Patrick Doan, 2014 for the graphic design of the site.
© Christina Rudosky and Tifaine Bachet, 2018 for the translations from French to English of the site.
© Association Atelier André Breton 2005-2018 for all elements of the site.