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[Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952

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9 Works

On Paul Éluard

André Breton


Fragment of a manuscript text by André Breton relating to Paul Éluard. During the sale its description went with lot 2352, but the facsimile went with lot 2347 that brought together Breton’s interviews with André Parinaud.

An image, an incomplete description.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts


Interview with Opera (Andre Parinaud)

André Breton, André Parinaud


A text written by André Breton based on questions asked by André Parinaud for the journal Opéra, published on 24 October 1951.
Two images, a descriptive note, a bibliography.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Revue] Arts


Interview with Yves Peres

André Breton, Yves Pérès


Text of an interview with Breton by Yves Pérès conducted in Paris on 28 September 1952 and published on 10 October in La Liberté du Morbihan.
Three pictures, a descriptive note, a bibliography.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts


Interview ('Haiti-journal')

André Breton


Text of an interview with André Breton conducted by René Bélance and published in Haïti-Journal, 12 and 13 December 1945.
Four images, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a collection.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952, [AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Interview by Andre Parinaud

André Breton, André Parinaud


André Breton, André Parinaud Text of André Breton's responses to André Parinaud for the magazine Arts published 7 March 1952.
Three images, a descriptive note, a bibliography.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952, [Revue] Arts


Interview by Jose-Maria Valverde

André Breton, José-Maria Valverde


An interview with José Valverde in September 1950 for Correo literario (Madrid).

Eight images, a desription, a bibliography.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts


Page from _Entretiens_ , 1952

André Breton


Manuscript fragments from the 1952 radio interviews with André Parinaud, Entretiens. Interview XIV.

An image, a descripion, a bibliography.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952


Page from _Entretiens_ , 1952

André Breton


Manuscript fragments from the 1952 radio interviews with André Parinaud, Entretiens. Interview XV.

An image, a description, a bibliography.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts


Interview by Dominique Arban

Dominique Arban, André Breton


Manuscript of an interview with André Breton by Dominique Arban for Combat, May 1947.

Two images, a description, a bibliography.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952