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[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat

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11 Works

On Kravchenko's book

André Breton


Press cutting from Combat, dated February 1949, pitting André Breton against Hervé Bazin in response to the Kravchenko Affair.

Four images, a description, a bibliography.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts



André Breton


Manuscript in Breton’s hand of an article published on 5 March 1962 in Combat-Art, co-authored with Édouard Jaguer, Charles Estienne and José Pierre.
Four images, a note, a bibliography, a link.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, [Revue] Combat, Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives


Grasping a crazy world

André Breton


Manuscript of a text by André Breton published in Combat on 3 April 1950.
Two images, a descriptive note, a bibliography.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts


[Sade's posthumous good fortune...]

André Breton


Manuscript by André Breton, probably dating from May 1950.

An image, a descriptive note, a bibliography.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Revue] Combat


From sunspots to splashes of sunlight

André Breton


Manuscript by Breton of an article dated 26 March 1950 that would be published in Combat on 28 March 1950.

Two mages, a desritpion, a bibliography.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Revue] Combat


October's lesson

André Breton


Signed handwritten manuscript dated 23 February 1954 of a text devoted to Charles Estienne, written on the back of headed notepaper for Médium.

An image, a description, a bibliography.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [Breton's Manuscripts and Drawings] dossier Le Surréalisme et la peinture


Ban political parties

André Breton


Manuscript of an article by André Breton written for Combat dated 20 April 1950.
Two images, a descriptive note, a bibliography.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Revue] Combat


Interview by Dominique Arban

Dominique Arban, André Breton


Manuscript of an interview with André Breton by Dominique Arban for Combat, May 1947.

Two images, a description, a bibliography.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [Manuscrits d'AB] Entretiens 1913-1952


Down with Miserablism!

André Breton


Manuscript signed by André Breton, dated 3 March 1956. 

An image, a descriptive note, a museum, an associated work.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966, Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives


One for all except for a few

André Breton


Two drafts of a Handwritten manuscript signed by André Breton and dated 18 November 1948 about the ‘citizen of the world’ Garry Davis.

Three images, a descriptive note, an exhibition, a bibiliohraphy, one video.

[Mansucrits d'AB] articles pour Combat, [Revue] Combat