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Through A(lan) Glass

À travers le cristal

Paperback + DVD-Video


Person cited Alan Glass
Director Tufic Makhlouf Akl


Born in 1932 in Canada, Alan Glass has also been granted Mexican citizenship. Among other things, his work is made up of boxes of "art object", combinations of items unearthed with great choice in junk shops, flea markets and in places where life took him. Alan illustrated himself through unique and spontaneous sparkles of creation relying on the objective fortunes of life.

Engraver, watercolourist, painter, he lived in Paris during past-war era in the circle of André Breton, who proposed him to make an exposition on the Terrain Vague in Paris in 1958. Many other expositions took place later in Canada, New York, Mexico City, Paris and Germany.

Acquisitions of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the City Museum of Modern Art in Paris.

Alan Glass - À travers le miroir

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Date of publication 2010
Publicationfirst publication
Duration140 mins
Size13,80 x 18,80 cm
Number of pages88
Copyright© SevenDoc
Keywords, ,
SetDVD Phares
ExhibitionsSurréalisme..., MNAM Centre Pompidou | Centenaire du Manifeste du surréalisme , Galerie Claude Bernard | Alan Glass. Cabinet surréaliste
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