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62 Works

[Ge vous promets...]

Salvador Dalí


Carte postale de Salvador Dalí à André Breton, datant de 1934.

Deux images, une notice descriptive, un lien.

[Correspondance] Salvador Dali, [Dossier] Salvador Dali


[J'ai reçu "Point du jour"...]

Salvador Dalí


Carte postale de Salvador Dalí à André Breton, datée de Cadaquès, le 26 août 1934.

Deux images, une notice descriptive, un lien.

[Correspondance] Salvador Dali, [Dossier] Salvador Dali


[Comrades, with one heart, at the end of this meeting...]

André Breton


A manuscript by André Breton dated 17 december 1936.

Two images, a descriptive note, a bibliography.

[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts


First Lecture

André Breton

Manuscript of a lecture by André Breton on December 20th, 1945 à Port-au-Prince; first of a series of eight.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Second Lecture

André Breton

Manuscript of the lecture from January 11th, 1946; second of the eight given by André Breton in Haiti.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Third Lecture

André Breton


Third lecture in a series of eight that André Breton gave in Haiti in December 1945-1946. This one was given on January 22nd 1946.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Fourth Lecture

André Breton

Handwritten text from the fourth lecture, given on Friday, January 25th, 1946; to be included in the Inédits I (Unpublished Texts I) of the third volume of the Pléiade in 1992.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Fifth Lecture

André Breton


Manuscript of the Fifth Lecture by André Breton in Haiti, this time regarding modern art, held on January 29, 1946. This text, which deals with collages, Cubism, and Surrealism, will be published in the Inédits I (Unpublished Texts I) of the Pléiade in 1992.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Sixth Lecture

André Breton


Manuscript of the sixth lecture given by Breton at Port-au-Prince (Haiti) on February 5th, 1946, and which would be published in 1992 by Gallimard [Publishing] House.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Seventh Lecture

André Breton


Manuscript of the seventh lecture of Breton in Port-au-Prince, given on February 8th, 1946. It will be published in the Pléiade library in 1992.

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Eighth Lecture

André Breton


Manuscript of the eighth Breton lecture delivered on February 12th, 1946. Through topics such as Dada, Tanguy, Dalí, Ernst and Futurism, André Breton "returns to the antinomy of necessity and freedom" (Inédits I [Unpublished Texts] I, t. III, 1992, p. 1243).

[AB's Manuscripts] Haïti


Adieu ne plaise

André Breton

Allocution d'André Breton prononcée aux funérailles de Francis Picabia en 1953, éditée sur grand papier, avec gouache.

Trois images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, un lien.


Speech given in Cahors supporting world government

André Breton


Manuscript and typescript of a speech given by André Breton on 24 June, 1950.
12 images, a description, a bibliography, a museum, an exhibition.

[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts


I Don't Like Saying Goodbye [This is a play on ' _À Dieu ne plaise!_' (God forbid!)]

André Breton


Manuscript by André Breton in memory of Francis Picabia read on 4 December, 1953.

Four images, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a library.

[Manuscrits d'AB] Perspective cavalière, [Journal] Médium


[Speech at the 'Circulo de Amistad XIV de Abril', Puerto de la Cruz]

André Breton


Manuscript of a speech given by André Breton on 23 May, 1935 in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Three images, a description and a bibliography.

[Albums] Album Prague Ténérife circa 1935, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts


Allocution au Colombarium du Père-Lachaise pour la mort de Natalia Trotski

André Breton


Manuscrits d'André Breton, datés 27 janvier 1962, pour un hommage rendu le 29 à Natalia Trotsky.

Six images, une notice descriptive.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966


Allocution d'André Breton au gala des objecteurs

André Breton


Discours d'André Breton, tel que paru dans Liberté le 12 décembre 1958.

Une image, une notice descriptive, un événement, un lien.

[Archives] Le surréalisme, même


At the 'Rescue Committee' Lunch

André Breton


Manuscript of a speech given by André Breton to the ‘Rescue Committee’ on 27 June 1941.

Two images, a descriptive note, a bibliography.

[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts


At an Anarchist Meeting in the _Mutualit e_

André Breton


Manuscript by André Breton dated 13 October 1949 for a speech given the following day at the Mutualité.

Five images, a description, a bibliography, an exhibition.

[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts