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Handwritten manuscript by Marcelle Ferry, Georges Hugnet, Alberto Giacometti and André Breton, dated 26 February 1934.

26 February 1934; against a background of political unrest, surrealist games continue. This question-and-answer session is part of the series started in December 1933 (although the game has existed since the 1920s; see. ‘Le Dialogue en 1928’), some excerpts of which will be included in Documents 34. Intervention surréaliste, published in Brussels in June 1934. Marcelle Ferry, who shared Breton's life at the time (he only met Jacqueline later in 1934), and Alberto Giacometti were, apart from the poet, the two other protagonists in a session no part of which seems to have been published. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005]

Handwritten manuscripts, 26 February 1934.
2 handwritten pages in-8 on oblong yellow paper.
Page 1. Handwritten on both sides of the paper in black ink by Georges Hugnet; it includes 8 groups of 3 questions noted from A to H all of which begin: ‘What is...? Participating in this game were Breton, Giacometti and Hugnet.
Page 2. Handwritten on both sides of the paper in black pencil by Marcelle Ferry; it includes 8 groups of questions noted from A to H all beginning: ‘What is...? Participating in this game were Breton, Giacometti and Marcelle Ferry. [Sale catalogue, 2003]

*This entry was translated from the French by Michael Richardson.


- André Breton, « Le Dialogue en 1934, une continuation du Dialogue en 1928 », Documents 34, Intervention surréaliste, Bruxelles, 1934.

- André Breton (Édition de Marguerite Bonnet avec la collaboration d’Étienne-Alain Hubert et José Pierre), « Le Dialogue en 1934 », [Alentours I], Œuvres complètes, tome II, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris, Gallimard, 1992, p. 533-535.

- Serena Bucalo-Mussely (dir.), Alberto Giacometti - André Breton, Amitiés surréalistes, Institut Giacometti et éditions Fage, Paris, 2022.


Creation date26-févr.-34
Bibliographical material

2 large pages in-4°

Physical descriptionMs - crayon et encre noirs
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2193
Set[Jeux surréalistes] enveloppe Jeux surréalistes, [Jeux surréalistes] Jeu des questions-réponses
ExhibitionAlberto Giacometti - André Breton, Amitiés surréalistes
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