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Home Page > Works > Prolegomena to a third manifesto of surrealism or not


Handwritten manuscript by André Breton in green ink on yellowed paper, with erasures and corrections, signed and dated 28 April 1942. Published in the first issue of the journal VVV in New York in June 1942.

Published in June 1942 in VVV, the ‘Prolegomena to a Third Manifesto of Surrealism or Not’ is a response to the criticisms made by Wolfgang Paalen, who in a ‘Farewell to Surrealism’ denounced the fragility of systems of thought, and in particular that of Surrealism, in the face of the monstrous and oppressive event of the World War. Breton reacts to this criticism by making surrealism itself the locus of research, not an affirmation or a belief. He thus reformulates his project for the American public, for whom the text is intended, distinguishing it, for example, from the corruptions that may have been acquired from Dali. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005]

Handwritten manuscript signed, New York, 28 April 1942
- 4 pages in-4, a handwritten text, the first draft of this important document written in New York, titled, dated and signed in green ink by André Breton in constricted handwriting, with numerous erasures and corrections.
‘There is probably too much north in me for me ever to be able to give anything my complete adhesion. As I see it, this north consists of natural granite fortifications and mist. If I am only too able to demand everything of a being I find beautiful, I am far from giving those abstract constructions we call systems the same credit. [...]
‘Moreover, the fact remains that at the end of twenty years I feel obliged as I did during my youth to pronounce myself against all conformism and in doing so to take aim against surrealist conformism when it is too certain of itself.’ (Œuvres complètes, Volume III, ‘Prolégomènes à un troisième Manifeste du surréalisme ou non’, 1942, p. 5-15) [sale catalogue, 2003].

*Translated by Michael Richardson.


- VVV, n° 1, juin 1942, p. ??

- André Breton, (Édition de Marguerite Bonnet avec la collaboration de Philippe Bernier, Marie-Claire Dumas, Étienne-Alain Hubert et José Pierre), Prolégomènes à un troisième manifeste du surréalisme ou non, Œuvres complètes, tome> III, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris, Gallimard, 1999, pages 5-15.


Creation date28-avr.-42
Bibliographical material

4 pages in-4°

Date of publication 1942

Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet, Paris : BRT 80

Number of pages4 p.
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2244
Keywords, ,
CategoriesAndre Breton's Manuscripts
Set[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Journal] VVV
Permanent link

See also

2 Works

Living in closets

André Breton


« This ‘document’ is a handwritten text by André Breton, composed of quotations and addressed to Matta.
Two images, a descriptive note, a library, a bibliography.

[AB's Manuscripts] Manifestes du Surréalisme, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts


VVV, 1


Numéro 1, publié en juin 1942, de cette revue surréaliste fondée par David Hare en 1942 à New York.

Aucune image, une notice descriptive, un lien.

[Journal] VVV

1 Comment

problème balise retour à la ligne

Petit intermède prophétique <br/>Retour inopiné du père Duchesne <br/>Les Grands Transparents
