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[We regret that we must...]

Letter of June 14th, 1929



Authors André Breton, Louis Aragon
People cited Emmanuel Berl, André Malraux, André Thirion
Letter to Paul Gustave van Hecke


Handwritten manuscript of the draft of a letter addressed to P.-G. Van Hecke by André Breton and Louis Aragon on June 14th, 1929.

Draft of a letter to the director of Variétés, the Belgian review which dedicates an issue to “Surrealism in 1929.” Yet this is not the subject in question. Breton informs Van Hecke that Malraux and Berl have requested an insertion to appear in the next issue, and Breton explains why. At the bottom, the article “To be continued” published at the head of the review, calls Malraux a crook and Berl a moron… Obviously these lines brought about a retort from Thirion. The draft of the letter which we have here will be co-signed by Aragon and represents an attempt to calm the crossfire. For more details on this affair, see the Pléiade vol. I, pag. 975, and in particular, note 5 (with cross-reference to 1740). [Atelier André Breton website, 2005]

Handwritten letter, undated [June 14th, 1929].
1 page in-12 handwritten by Breton with black ink on blue paper:

“Dear Sir,
We regret that we must, to the scruple of a common friend, communicate the letters of which MM. Malraux and Berl have asked to appear in the next issue of Variétés. We had to inform André Thirion of this matter, and he is appreciative.” (Numerous markings and corrections). [Auction catalogue, 2003]


- André Breton (Édition de Marguerite Bonnet avec la collaboration de Philippe Bernier, Étienne-Alain Hubert et José Pierre), « À suivre », Alentours III, Œuvres complètes, tome I, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris, Gallimard, 1988, p. 975 et Notes et variantes, p. 1733-1735 et p. 1740.


Creation date14/06/1929
Bibliographical material

1 feuillet in-12

Number of pages1 p.
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2145
Keywords, , ,
CategoriesLetters from André Breton
Set[Correspondance] Lettres à Van Hecke, [Journal] Variétés
Permanent link

See also

1 Work

Affaires Malraux, Berl, Thirion Variétés

André Breton


Enveloppe titrée par Breton contenant des éléments datés pour la plupart de 1929 et relatifs à ces affaires.
Une image, une notice descriptive, quatre œuvres associées.

[Journal] Variétés