Manuscript by André Breton dated September 1950 and dedicated to the painter Gustave Moreau. A second version of this text was published in Surrealism and Painting and dated 1961.
The long underestimated Moreau was one of Breton's personal heroes. Breton never ceased to defend him until critics learned to appreciate him in the early 1960s. In this text, dated September 1950, he closely associates the painter and his museum, the famous house that Breton made a personal focal point in the locality where he had then been living for thirty years. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005]
Handwritten manuscript, September 1950.
3 pages in-4° handwritten in green ink, dated by Breton and dedicated to Gustave Moreau. It is addressed to Georges Duthuit:
‘I’d happily admit, my dear Georges, that I loved, and still love “madly”, a certain climate around Gustave Moreau; this is even an understatement! The discovery of the Gustave Moreau Museum, when I was around sixteen years old, conditioned my way of loving forever... It was so strong that the model of these women probably concealed all others from me; yes it was a complete bewitchment. […]'
Numerous erasures and corrections. [Sale catalogue, 2003]
*This entry was translated from the French by Michael Richardson.
- André Breton, « Hommage », in Ragnar von Holten, L'Art fantastique de Gustave Moreau, Jean-Jacques Pauvert, 1960.
- André Breton, « Gustave Moreau », Le Surréalisme et la peinture, 1965, Œuvres complètes, tome IV, Écrits sur l'art et autres textes (Édition établie par Marguerite Bonnet et éditée par Étienne-Alain Hubert avec la contribution de Philippe Bernier et de Marie-Claire Dumas), Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris, Gallimard, 2008, pp. 785-789 and notes, pp. 1371-1376
See also
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