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Handwritten note by André Breton published in February 1953 in Médium n°4.

Three drafts for a note that will be published without an author's name. Three handwritten pages by André Breton, the first two of which constitute the first draft of the third, titled and signed André Breton, and included in Alentours II of the third volume of the Œuvres completes. This note, ‘M. Dorival nous la baille belle’ (Mr Dorrival gave us a good laugh), was written in reaction against an exhibition on Cubism at the Musée d'art moderne. In it, André Breton harshly attacks certain painters ("Gleizes: 15 vast ratatouilles") and protests against the relegation of Duchamp to a corridor above the fire hydrant. Over-valuing Cubism and under-valuing its lyrical supersession by Surrealism is the main grievance that emerges from this note, in which the poet rediscovers all the scathing vigour of the two Manifestos. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005]

Signed autograph manuscript, undated [February 1953].

- 3 pages in-4°, handwritten in ink by Breton on the back of paper headed ‘À L'Étoile scellée’ (‘At the Sealed Star’), of which the first two constitute the first draft of the third, titled and signed André Breton: ‘M. Dorival nous la baille belle’, a text published in Médium: Informations surréalistes, n°4, February 1953, relating to the Cubism exhibition at the Musée d'art moderne: 

"Suffice it to say that Marcel Duchamp (represented in all by two canvases) is shamefully relegated to a corridor above the fire hydrant - with unintentional humour - while one of the poorest epigones of Cubism, the decorator La Fresnaye, is the object of special attention." [Auction Catalogue, 2003]


André Breton (Édition de Marguerite Bonnet avec la collaboration de Philippe Bernier, Marie-Claire Dumas, Étienne-Alain Hubert et José Pierre), « "Médium, Informations surréalistes" (notes) », Alentours II, Œuvres complètes, tome III, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris, Gallimard, 1999, p. 1085-1087, notice p. 1461-1462

Creation date1953
Bibliographical material

3 pages in-4°

Physical descriptionMs - encre noire

Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Centre Pompidou, Paris : Fonds André Breton 10591 Boîte de la vente ″divers

Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2367
Keywords, , , ,
CategoriesManuscripts, Andre Breton's Manuscripts
Set[Journal] Médium
Permanent link

See also

1 Work

Médium [feuille]


Numéro 1, daté de novembre 1952, de la première série de la revue lancée en 1952 par Jean Schuster.
Une image, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie.

[Journal] Médium