Le Surréalisme au service de la Révolution
numéro 1
Letter to André BretonPerson cited Luis BuñuelEdited by André BretonText by Maxime Alexandre, Louis Aragon, Francis Ponge, Boris Souvarine, André Thirion, Pierre Unik, Albert Valentin, André Breton, René Char, René Crevel, Salvador Dalí, Paul Éluard, Benjamin Péret, Tristan Tzara, Jacques Viot
Number one of the collection of the journal Le Surréalisme au service de la Révolution. Joined with this issue are:
Image 1. Cover for N.1 of the journal, Le Surréalisme au service de la Révolution
Images 2, 3. Original telegram addressed to André Breton by the Bureau International de la Littérature Révolutionnaire. "Bureau international littérature révolutionnaire prie répondre question suivante laquelle sera votre position si impérialisme déclare guerre aux soviets STOP Adresse Boite Postale 650 Moscou" (recto-verso)
Images 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Complete handwritten manuscript in Spanish signed by Salvador Dali : "El Asno Podrido" published in French under the title "L'âne Pourri" (4 pages in-4°). The manuscript was found with a title page cover, written in the hand of André Breton (typographical indications ?) (1 page)
Image 9. The original drawing for the logo of La Révolution surréaliste (19 x 15 cm)
Images 10, 11. The written poem signed by Rene Char "Poème du 11 novembre" (1 large page, in-4° with redaction markings and corrections). The manuscript was found with a title page cover, written in the hand of André Breton (typographical indications ?) (1 page)
Images 12, 13. The written manuscript signed by André Breton with a pasted press cutting: "Hola !" (1 page in-4°). The manuscript was found with a title page cover, written in the hand of André Breton (typographical indications ?) (1 page)
Visual not available. The written manuscript by Vladimir Majakowski: "Notre Dame" recopied by Louis Aragon (5 pages in-4°, ink and pencil)
Visual not available. The written manuscript signed by Francis Ponge "Plus-que-raisons" (6 pages in-12°)
José Pierre (dir.), Tracts surréalistes et Déclarations collectives (1922-1969), Paris, Le Terrain vague (Éric Losfeld éditeur), t. I, p. 153
Katia Sowels (dir.), Le Surréalisme d'abord et toujours, Transformer le monde, Paris, Centre Pompidou, 2024, rep. p. 36
Exhibition place
See also
1 Work
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