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Interview with the journal 'Jeunes Antilles'



Author André Breton
People cited Gilbert ou Georges Gratiant, Etienne Léro, Mangié, Jules Monnerot, Auguste Thésée, Pierre Yoyotte, Aimé Césaire


Manuscript of an interview given to the journal Jeunes Antilles on 2 March 1946, shortly after Breton's arrival from Haiti.

This interview was conducted shortly after Breton's arrival from Haiti, where he stayed during the winter of 1946, and given to Jeunes Antilles on 2 March 1946. Before returning to New York, he delivered three lectures and gave these short answers, which follow the interview given to René Bélance for Haiti-journal a few months earlier. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005]

Handwritten manuscript, 2 March 1946.
2 pages in-12 handwritten in black ink by André Breton responding to questions from the journalist of Jeunes Antilles:
‘J. A. - What do you think of Aimé Césaire's entry into political life?’
‘A. B. - I unreservedly praise Aimé Césaire who, at a crucial historical period, yielded to the general pressure calling on him to represent Martinique in the Constituent Assembly; I have too high an idea of his poetic vocation to fear that this could be damage it.’[2003 sale catalogue; André Breton website 2012]

*This entry was translated from the French by Michael Richardson.

Creation date1946
Bibliographical material

2 pages in-4° in ink, autograph 1 page in-4°, in ink 2 pages in-4° on pink paper in ink

Date of publication 1946
Physical descriptionMs - encre noire
Number of pages2 p.
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2260
Keywords, , , ,
CategoriesManuscripts, Andre Breton's Manuscripts
Set[Albums] Scrapbooks, [AB's Manuscripts] Haïti, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts
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