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Author André Breton
Person cited Francis Vielé-Griffin


Manuscript by André Breton dated 1914, as a tribute to Francis Viellé-Griffin.

Published in La Phalange in 1914, this poem belongs to the young Breton’s brief symbolist period, as the dedication to Francis Viellé-Griffin in verse 13 shows. Breton kept a copy of it and never denied this initial Symbolist inspiration, from which part of his work draws its impetus; in his Entretiens in 1952 he would again consider how his earliest readings had awakened his sensibility and above all provided an exigency that is perhaps the real heritage of symbolism for surrealism. [Information communicated by the Valéry family.]

*This entry was translated from the French by Michael Richardson.

Creation datemars-14
Date of publication 1914
Physical descriptionphotocopie de Ms - encre noire
From / ProvenanceCommuniqué par la famille Valéry
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CategoriesManuscripts, Andre Breton's Manuscripts
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