The Hidden Woman
Oil on canvas from 1929, painted by Magritte during his stay in Paris.
[Exhibitions] 1938, International Exhibition os Surrealism, [Journal] La Révolution surréaliste, Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives
People cited Louis Aragon, Luis Buñuel, Marcel Duhamel, Camille Goemans, Suzanne Muzard, ép. Cordonnier, Jacques Prévert, Pierre Unik, André Breton, René Magritte, non identifié, Yves Tanguy
Ten photo booth photographs taken circa 1929, used by André Breton to frame Magritte’s painting, I Do Not See the Woman Hidden in the Forest.
Ten prints (some with several portraits on the same film strip). Photographs of which most were included in the photo booth photography used by André Breton to frame Magritte’s painting, I Do Not See the Woman Hidden in the Forest, reproduced in The Surrealist Revolution, No. 12, December 15, 1929. Pictured among others: André Breton, Max Ernst, Paul Éluard, Suzanne Muzard.
From left to right, and top to bottom, the montage pictured the portraits of the following individuals with their eyes closed: Alexandre, Aragon, Breton, Buñuel, Caupenne, Dalì, Éluard, Ernst, Fournier, Goemans, Magritte, Nougé, Sadoul, Tanguy, Thirion, Valentin. [Auction catalogue, 2003]
Creation date | c. 1929 |
Place of origin | |
Reference | 4232002 |
Breton Auction, 2003 | Lot 5029 |
Keywords | Photography, photo booth, Surrealist revolution |
Categories | 1924-1930 |
Set | [Journal] La Révolution surréaliste |
Permanent link | |
Oil on canvas from 1929, painted by Magritte during his stay in Paris.
[Exhibitions] 1938, International Exhibition os Surrealism, [Journal] La Révolution surréaliste, Tracts surréalistes et déclarations collectives