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Dominguez is in front of me...

Dream of 7 February 1937



Author André Breton
People cited Jacqueline Lamba, Georg-Christoph Lichtenberg, Auguste de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Oscar Dominguez, Pablo Picasso


Handwritten manuscript by André Breton, undated, in a folder titled ‘Dream Manuscripts’.

Dreams... the oldest dates from 1931, the most recent from the post-war period; in them we see the appearance of figures Breton knew well from various periods, such as his parents, René Char in the first one, or Robert Denoël in the third... Les Vases communicants repeats part of the text from April 1931 and ‘Trajectoire du rêve’ quotes two from 1938, but unlike the dream accounts published sporadically by Breton or collected in the unpublished material in his Complete Works, these are texts written for his own use, with no concern for literary matters. Moreover, they are clearly very intimate in nature and some include drawings, both these aspects giving them an ‘extraliterary’ character, even if one should take care in use this term in the context of the surrealists. Whatever the case, we can note that they really don’t suit being put into literary form, other than through extensive reworking that would thus change their nature. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005]

Handwritten manuscript, in a folder titled by André Breton ‘Dream Manuscripts’. 
- 1 large in-4° page, in green ink, first draft of the text with original drawings: ‘Dominguez is in front of me in the process of painting. I am particularly pleased with the beginning of the painting the I am watching as it forms in front of my eyes. It shows a succession of trees, each one identical and going into the others. There are about 6 of them. Each of these knots is in reality the rear end of a lion and each lion is licking the female genitals of the neighbouring lion, with the buttocks and genitals brightly coloured like those of mandrils.’ [Auction catalogue, 2003; Translated by Krzysztof Fijalkowski]



- André Breton, Trajectoire du rêve, Paris, Guy Lévis-Mano, 1938.

Creation date7-fév-1937
Bibliographical material

1 large in-4° page.

Date of publication 1937
Physical descriptionMs, Ds - encre verte, ratures et corrections

Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet, Paris : BRT 60

Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2164
CategoriesAndre Breton's Manuscripts
Set[AB's Manuscripts] Unpublished Manuscripts of Dreams
Permanent link

See also

3 Works

Rêve du 7 février 1937

André Breton

Manuscrit autographe d'André Breton daté du 7 février 1937 et orné d'un dessin.
Une image, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie.

[AB's Manuscripts] Unpublished Manuscripts of Dreams



André Breton


Handwritten manuscript by André Breton dated 10-11 April 1938 and illustrated with a drawing.

Four images, a descripion, a bibliography, a library.

[AB's Manuscripts] Unpublished Manuscripts of Dreams


Trajectoire du rêve


Cahier composé de textes et d'illustrations relatifs au rêve, réunis par André Breton et publiés chez Guy Lévis-Mano en 1938.

Deux images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie, une exposition.