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Home Page > Works > On Rene AlleauOn Rene Alleau
By the fullness of the dew
Author André Breton
People cited René Alleau, Juan Eduardo Cirlot, Antonio Gaudi, Dom. Neroman, Eyrénée Philalète, Prisma, André Breton, Marcel Duchamp, Mircea Eliade, Joan Miró
Manuscript by André Breton for the journal Médium about, among other things, René Alleau and his lecture series.
Included in Alentours II of the third volume of the Œuvres complètes, these notes intended for the journal Médium: Informations surréalistes were published without a signature. However, the manuscript unquestionably confirms that they should be attributed to Breton, as would the mention of René Alleau's lectures on alchemy, which Breton was known to have attended assiduously. Of particular note is the mention of a letter from the publisher of La Clé des champs [Free Rein] relating to Breton their problems with a printer apparently reluctant to print an "anti-militarist and anti-religious" work.
Autograph manuscript, undated [1953?]
1 page in-4° handwritten in ink by Breton, comprising seven small texts, with erasures and corrections, of notes published in Médium: Informations surréalistes under the title ‘De la crème de lait de vierge’ [‘The Cream of Virgin’s Milk’]:
"Each Sunday, at the Geographical Society, Monsieur René Alleau continues to give a series of his lectures on ‘The Classical Texts of Alchemy’."
"The Navel of the Earth",
"The End of 1952",
"Trans-Pyrenean Mail",
"Folds and creases",
"Matter and Prognostication".
[Auction Catalogue, 2003]
André Breton (Édition de Marguerite Bonnet avec la collaboration de Philippe Bernier, Marie-Claire Dumas, Étienne-Alain Hubert et José Pierre), [Notes publiées dans « Médium, Informations surréalistes »], Alentours II, Œuvres complètes, tome III, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris, Gallimard, 1999, p. 1081 à 1083.
Creation date | 15/10/1952 |
Bibliographical material | 1 page in-4° - MS - black ink |
Date of publication | 01/11/1952 |
Languages | French |
Number of pages | 1 p. |
Reference | 544000 |
Breton Auction, 2003 | Lot 2362 |
Keywords | Surrealism |
Categories | Manuscripts, Andre Breton's Manuscripts |
Set | [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts, [Journal] Médium |
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