Manuscript titled "Preface for the Copenhagen and Tenerife Surrealist Exhibitions" excerpt from the Prague conference, The Political Position of Surrealism.
This "Preface for the Copenhagen and Tenerife Surrealist Exhibitions" is in reality a reworked excerpt from the speech given in Prague in the spring of 1935. The original text appeared in The Political Position of Surrealism, Pléiade II, p. 488 in a more developped version including numerous citations. Leaning on the authority of Hegel, Breton attempted to properly legitimise the revolutionary value of a surrealist art that had been unjustly qualified as bourgeois by the Communists.
Handwritten, signed manuscript, undated [1935]
- 3 pages in-4° foliated on blue and pink paper, titled and signed by Breton. Published in issue 5-6 of the revue Cahiers d'Art under the same title.
"We also know what determining role, in the creation of this completely new artistic perspective, that Max Ernst's "collages" and "frottages" played, as well as the appearance of "Objects with symbolic functioning" (of automatic or dreamlike origin) promoted to real life following an initial request from Alberto Giacometti."
(La Pléiade, Volume II, The Political Position of Surrealism, Appendix, pages 488 à 491, 492, 495 and 496).
Translated by Christina Heflin
André Breton, (Édition de Marguerite Bonnet avec la collaboration de Philippe Bernier, Étienne-Alain Hubert et José Pierre), Position politique du surréalisme, Appendices, Œuvres complètes, tome II, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris, Gallimard, 1992, pages 488-491,492, 495-496.
Exhibition places

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2 Works
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Numéro 5 - 6, de la dixième année 1935, de cette revue artistique et littéraire éditée par Christian Zervos à Paris.
Une image, une notice descriptive.
[Journal] Cahiers d'art