Systematic conference series on the most recent positions of Surrealism
Author André BretonPeople cited Giorgio De Chirico, Salvador Dalí, Isidore Ducasse, dit comte de Lautréamont, Marcel Duchamp, Paul Éluard, Max Ernst, Elena Dmitrovnia Diakonova, dite Gala Éluard puis Dalí, Alberto Giacometti, Georges Hugnet, Alfred Jarry, Jacqueline Lamba, Man Ray, Jean-François Millet, Benjamin Péret, Pablo Picasso
André Breton's handwritten manuscript of conferences to be published in 1935, and of a dream.
Handwritten manuscript, nd [1935].
- 1 page in-4°, handwritten manuscript in green ink on Breton's pink paper of the Programme of the Systematic Series of Conferences, featuring several discrepancies in relation to the 1935 printed text. On the reverse: a handwritten account by Breton in graphite of a dream covering the entire page and continuing to the front of the page. [auction catalogue, 2003]
These conferences were never held. [Marie Tauzin, André Breton website, 2019]
Translated by Christina Heflin
José Pierre (dir.), Tracts surréalistes et Déclarations collectives (1922-1969), Paris, Le Terrain vague (Éric Losfeld éditeur), t. I, p. 270
Maurice Nadeau, Histoire du surréalisme, Documents surréalistes, Paris, Le Seuil, 1948, p. 393
Jean-Yves Lacroix et Benjamin Pitchal (dir.), First Papers of Surrealism, Librairie Jean-Yves Lacroix, Gouloux - librairie Benjamin Pitchal, Bruxelles, 2024, p. 139
See also
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