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Home Page > Works > List of exhibited worksList of exhibited works
People cited Aloïse Corbaz, dite Aloïse, Jean ou Hans Arp, Yuksel Arslan, Josep Artigas, Enrico Baj, Hans Bellmer, Robert Benayoun, Jean Benoît, Elisa Claro Breton, Bona Tibertelli de Pisis, dite Bona, Victor Brauner, André Breton, Agustín Cárdenas, Leonora Carrington, Enrico Castelli, Bill Copley, Joseph Cornell, Salvador Dalí, Adrien Dax, Giorgio De Chirico, Oscar Dominguez, Guy Doumayrou, Marcel Duchamp, Yves Elléouët, Max Ernst, P.-A. Gette, Alberto Giacometti, Arshile Gorky, Eugenio Fernandez Granell, Simon Hantaï, Jindřich Heisler, Jacques Hérold, Hiquily, Hannah Höch, Jasper Johns, Alain Joubert, Horst-Egon Kalinowski, Robert Lagarde, Yves Laloy, Wifredo Lam, Gérard Legrand, Jean-Bernard Lombard, René Magritte, Manina, Joyce Mansour, Jacques Le Maréchal, Maria Martins, dite Maria, Alberto Martini, André Masson, Roberto Echauren Matta, Édouard-Léon-Théodore Mesens, Joan Miró, Pierre Molinier, Maurice Muller, Nevelsson, Nicole Pierre, dite Nicole, Richard Oelze, Meret Oppenheim, Wolfgang Paalen, Mimi Parent, Benjamin Péret, Francis Picabia, José Pierre, Robert Rauschenberg, Man Ray, Jean Roger, Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern, Jean Schuster, Jean-Claude Silbermann, Jindrich Styrsky, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Max Walter Svanberg, Luis E. Tabara, Yves Tanguy, Dorothea Tanning, Marie Cerminova, dite Toyen, Clovis Trouille, Roger Van Hecke, Marianne Van Hirtum, Monique Watteau, Unica Zürn
A list of works exhibited at the Daniel Cordier gallery in 1959. Yesterday, today; our guests; three-dimensional objects, paintings, collages, folk art, etc.,... The International Exhibition of Surrealism organised at Daniel Cordier gallery at the end of 1959, organised chronologically and not by theme, was structured in a much more rational way than previous exhibitions, even though André Breton, in the circular he sent to the invited artists, also insisted on the indispensable staging of an ensemble conceived according to the dynamics of the adopted subject of eroticism. The list of works includes a painting by Robert Rauschenberg, an artist whose work the Parisian public had never seen before. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005] Handwritten texts, 1959. International Exhibition of Surrealism 1959-1960. Boîte Alerte [literally, ‘Box on Alert’ – wordplay on ‘Boîte a lettres’, letter box]. - 6 in-4° typewritten pages of a list of works exhibited at the Daniel Cordier gallery with some notes in red ink in Breton's handwriting. [Auction Catalogue, 2003]Creation date | sd [1959] |
Bibliographical material | 6 pages in-4° typescript annotated in red ink. |
Languages | French |
Library | |
Number of pages | 6 p. |
Reference | 1827000 |
Breton Auction, 2003 | Lot 2475 |
Keywords | Alchemy, Art Brut or naive, Assemblage or collage, Exhibitions, Magic, Work notes, Ceremonial Art, Occultism, Painting, Surrealism, Erotism |
Categories | Archives |
Set | [Exhibitions] 1959-1960, [E.R.O.S.] Exposition internationale du Surréalisme |
Exhibition | 1959, Exposition InteRnatiOnale du Surréalisme EROS |
Permanent link | |