[It's barely credible...]
‘The orange peel pavement’, Le Revolver à cheveux blancs
Author André Breton
Manuscript of a poem (from 1931 or 1932 according to sources) that André Breton will include in Le Revolver à cheveux blancs with a title.
Handwritten poem, sd [1931 - 1932].
- ‘It’s barely credible’..., 1/2 page in-4° in black ink with some erasures and corrections. (Oeuvres complètes, Volume II, Le Revolver à cheveux blancs, page 81, published under the title ‘The orange peel pavement’) [sale catalogue, 2003].
This item is in folder 31 although it is from 32 (P.-Y. A.).
*This entry was translated from the French by Michael Richardson.
André Breton, « Le trottoir de pelure d'orange », Le Revolver à cheveux blancs, Œuvres complètes, Volume II, Paris, Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Œuvres complètes, page 81.
See also
2 Works
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André Breton
Handwritten notebook by André Breton, dated May 1931, composed of poems, some of which were published in Le Revolver à cheveux blancs (The White-Haired Revolver). One of them will thereafter be entitled ‘L'Union libre’ (Free Union).
24 images, a descriptive note, a bibliography, a collection.
[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts
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Salvador Dalí
Plaque de cuivre de 1932 ayant servi à l'impression de la gravure de Dalí, frontispice du texte éponyme d'André Breton.
Une image, une notice descriptive.