[Interview by Madeleine Chapsal]
Sully Prudhomme (Person cited)
Interview with André Breton by Madeleine Chapsal, published in L'Express on 9 August 1962.
Four mages, a description, a bibliography, a library.
Sully Prudhomme (Person cited)
Interview with André Breton by Madeleine Chapsal, published in L'Express on 9 August 1962.
Four mages, a description, a bibliography, a library.
Sully Prudhomme (Person cited)
Manuscrit signé d'André Hardellet et non daté [1960].
Six images, une notice descriptive, un lien, une œuvre associée.
[Correspondance] Correspondance avec Hardellet, [Revue] Bief