Lucien took off his cap...
Lucrèce (Person cited)
Autograph manuscript by André Breton, probably dating from 1926.
Four images, a descriptive note to be completed, a collection.
Lucrèce (Person cited)
Autograph manuscript by André Breton, probably dating from 1926.
Four images, a descriptive note to be completed, a collection.
Lucrèce (Person cited)
Manuscript and typescript, dated February 1963, of a preface devoted to the work of Enrico Baj for an exhibition in 1964, which had been planned as early as 1962.
Nine images, a note, a bibliography, links.
[Breton's Manuscripts and Drawings] dossier Le Surréalisme et la peinture, [AB's Manuscripts] Manuscripts 1958-1966
Lucrèce (Author)
Sixième livre du De Rerum natura, de Lucrèce, édité en 1647 à Florence avec des commentaires de Giovanni Nardi.
Pas d'image, une notice descritpive à compléter.
Lucrèce (Person cited)
Grilles tapuscrites foliotées, datées de juin 1920.
Cinq images, une notice descriptive.