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Thirty years later



Author André Breton
Person cited Jacques Vaché


Original manuscript written by André Breton for the preface of the 1949 edition of Jacques Vaché's War Letters.

Handwritten manuscript of first draft with erasures and corrections (2 pages in-4°) of André Breton ‘Thirty years later’, preface to the 1949 edition.

‘A peak, undoubtedly the highest and most radiant I have reached in dreams (at increasingly long intervals, alas) comes the sudden revelation that Jacques Vaché isn’t dead, although everything has indicated he was. Suddenly he gives me his news, and I don't know how he gets close to me, makes himself known in a doorway using some sort of powerful password that instantly abolishes doubt about his identity.' [sale catalogue, 2003]


Creation dates.d. [1949]
Bibliographical material

2 pages in-4°.

Publicationfirst publication
Number of pages2 p.
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 1668
Keywords, , ,
CategoriesManuscripts, Andre Breton's Manuscripts
Permanent link

See also

1 Work

Lettres de guerre

Jacques Vaché

Nouvelle édition de la correspondance de Jacques Vaché à André Breton, publiée en 1949 chez K éditeur.

Deux images, une notice descriptive, une bibliothèque, des documents associés, un lien.