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4 Works

Note pour René Bertelé

André Breton


Manuscrit de préparation d'une lettre d'André Breton adressée à René Bertelé en 1951.
Deux images, une notice descriptive, une série.

[Correspondance] Lettres de René Bertelé, [AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts


[For want of ever being able to speak with you...]

André Breton

Handwritten letter from André Breton to Gaston Gallimard dated 11 December 1951.

Two images, one descriptive note.


[I waited...]

André Breton

Letter from André Breton to René Laporte dated 11 December 1951.

An image, a descriptive note.



[I regret I cannot give you...]

André Breton

Letter from André Breton to Jérôme Lindon, then editor at Le Sagittaire, dated 11 December 1951.

An image, a descriptive note.