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Notes on Huizinga



Author André Breton
Person cited Johan Huizinga


André Breton's notes on reading Homo ludens, a book about games written by Johan Huizinga in 1938.

Homo ludens: one can easily imagine what such a title meant to Breton, who practiced and invented games throughout his life. In these notes taken in 1954 on a book by J. Huizinga, the poet reveals how sensitive he was to the way in which games allow links to be strengthened and certain antinomies like wisdom and silliness, work and leisure, to be overcome... The game ‘One into the Other’, which was played in Saint-Cirq played during the previous summer, impelled Breton to conduct a more in-depth study into the phenomenon of play, a subject of much interest at the time, notably due to Winnicot’s work on the transitional object. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005]

Handwritten manuscript, sd [1954].
1 page in-12, notes on the functions of poetry as sacred or profane play, handwritten by André Breton in black ink:
‘The close correlation between poetry and enigma.’ [sale catalogue, 2003]

*This entry was translated from the French by Michael Richardson.

Creation datesd [1954]
Bibliographical material

Homo ludens, Johan Huizinga

Essay by Dutch historian Johan Huizinga, published in 1938 in Holland, translated into French in 1951 and published by Gallimard.

Physical descriptionMs - encres noire et rouge
1 page in-12
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2378
Keywords, , ,
CategoriesArchives, Archival Documents, Manuscripts, Andre Breton's Manuscripts
Set[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts
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See also

1 Work

Homo Ludens

Johan Huizinga

Essai de l'historien néerlandais Johan Huizinga, paru en 1938 en Hollande, traduit en français en 1951 chez Gallimard.
Trois images, une description à compléter, des liens.