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Article on surrealism published in the Herald Tribune on 14 July 1944.

Attached is the 14th July 1944 issue of the Herald Tribune containing an article on surrealism with two handwritten comments by Breton. [auction catalogue, 2003]

One of the comments reads: “badly distinguished from an interview in View.”, the other reads “poor translation”. [site André Breton, 2013]

Creation date14-juil-1944
Date of publication 14/07/1944
Publicationfirst publication
Physical descriptionImpr - Encre noire sur papier journal
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 1151
Keywords, , ,
CategoriesArchives, Archival Documents
Set[Journal] View
Permanent link

See also

1 Work

View, 2e série, n° 1


Numéro spécial de la revue View consacré à Max Ernst, paru en avril 1942 chez Charles Henri Ford à New York.

Deux images, une notice descriptive, une exposition, des liens.

[Journal] View