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Le Surréalisme au service de la Révolution

numéro 6



Number 6 of the collection of the journal, Le Surréalisme au service de la Révolution.  Joined with this issue are the following: 

Image 1. Cover N.°6 of the journal, Le Surréalisme au service de la Révolution.

Image 2. Handwritten letter signed by Salvador Dali to André Breton on paper with stationary heading from the Royal Hôtel of Barcelona, relative to Dali's frontispiece for the front cover of the Second Manifesto of Surrealism. (circa 1930, 1 page in-12°).

Images 3, 4, 5. Handwritten letter signed by Maurice Heine to André Breton, Dourdan. 26 May 1932 (3 pages in-4°).

Image 6. Handwritten poem by René Char « Les soleils chanteurs » (1 page in-4°).

Image 7. Handwritten letter signed by Salvador Dali to André Breton (1/4 page in-4°).

Images 8, 9. Handwritten letter signed by Salvador Dali to André Breton with a small original drawing (2 pages in-4°).

Images 10-20. Handwritten manuscript signed by Max Ernst : « Comme on force l'inspiration » with pencil redactions by André Breton. This manuscript was found with a title cover titled by the hand of André Breton (Typographical indications ?) (1 sheet).

Visual not available. Handwritten letter dated and signed in ink by Maurice Heine addressed to André Breton, about the Marquis de Sade.

Bibliothèque Kandinsky, centre Georges-Pompidou, Paris.

Bibliographical materialParis, José Corti. N°6 of May 1933. 1 copy large in-8°. Paperback. Breton Collection Sold 2003, lot 1133.
Date of publication 1933
Publicationfirst publication
PublisherJosé Corti, Paris
Original publication date1933
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 1133
Keywords, ,
Set[Journal] Le Surréalisme au service de la Révolution
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See also

2 Works

Exercise book of original collages

André Breton, Paul Éluard, Suzanne Muzard, ép. Cordonnier

Spiral-bound exercise book with 33 original photo-collages, some of which are dated 1931. 27 images, a descriptive note, a bibliography, links.

[Albums] Scrapbooks, [Albums] Miscellaneous photos from albums


Un temps de chien

André Breton

Photographic collage by André Breton presented at the Centre Georges Pompidou in the show André Breton, la beauté convulsive en 1991.
One image, one bilingual notice, one bibliography, one exhibit.

[Exhibitions] 1991, boîte archives bleue, Beaubourg, [Journal] Le Surréalisme au service de la Révolution