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Parisians, you are being murdered

10 handwritten notebooks by the surrealist group



Author Jacques Baron


Three pages of typographic collages in a notebook by Jacques Baron, dated May 1924.

May 1924: a new ‘surrealist game’ is invented in Breton’s studio in rue Fontaine, one that in certain respects recalls the typographic experiments of the Dada era, for example like the ones found on the last pages of Breton’s Mont de piété. This time the idea was to cut out newspaper headlines that could play off one another. Not unlike the game of cadavre exquis, this game only leaves the role of discovery to chance, since the selection happens naturally so as to produce the best possible effect. La Révolution surréaliste, the first Manifesto of Surrealism and Poisson soluble would include extracts from these sessions, from which we have here three examples made by Jacques Baron. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005] 

Handwritten manuscript, 1924 
In-8° notebook including three pages of text running across the whole page, made from newspaper cuttings:   
‘Parisians, you are being murdered by a reader stronger than steel; the religious world without going so far back.’ 
Breton has written Baron’s name on the cover of the notebook. [Auction catalogue, 2003]


Georges Sebbag éd., Dix cahiers surrréalistes, avril 1924, Jean-Michel Place / Dilecta, Albias / Paris, 2021. Rep. p. 23 - 27.


Creation dateavril 1924
Physical descriptionmontage de textes de presse
3 pages à pleine écriture d'un cahier in-8°

Bibliothèque municipale de Nantes : Ms 3487

Size17,00 x 22,00 cm
Number of pages28 p.
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2067
CategoriesSurrealists Manuscripts
Set[Archives] textes surréalistes ; cahiers surréalistes ; cachet, [Manuscrits] Jacques Baron
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