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Ulysse Préchacq, or the inspired post-carrier? Desnos presents here, within the fifth issue of the The Surrealist Revolution, a text whose naive semblance confirms its authenticity. Postal poet, Préchacq is not himself without evoking Cheval, another famous postman. And the poet who celebrates the innocence of the creator in his raw state, we ask ourselves how could his name have possibly traveled through the Pyrénnées to Paris. By mail, perhaps ?

Robert Desnos and Ulysse Préchacq. Le Paradis. Manuscript signed by Robert Desnos. Handwritten in a school notebook with the logo "offered by the black lion to wise and studious children," printed on the cover. 7 handwritten pages in-8 by Robert Desnos inserted within 3 typed pages: "Fin de labeur" ("End of labor") by Préchacq, and one letter written by Préchaq (2 pages in-4) addressed to Desnos, with an indication of his handwriting.

Annotations written by André Breton in pencil:
"Not all men are sullied by their original sin. There are some privileged ones that possess innocent souls and virginal senses. In the past, it was Douanier Rousseau and J.P. Brisset as those today, the painter Miró and the poets like Benjamin Péret, Dédé Sumbeam and Ulysse Préchacq" Published in N°5 of The Surrealist Revolution.


Robert Desnos et Ulysse Préchacq, « Le Paradis », in La Révolution surréaliste, n° 5, Paris, octobre 1925


Creation date25/12/1924
Bibliographical material

Ms [8] et Ts [4] - 7 pages in-8° autographes 2 pages in-4°

Number of pages11 pages
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 1130
Keywords, , , , ,
CategoriesManuscripts, Surrealists Manuscripts
Set[Journal] La Révolution surréaliste, [Revue] La Révolution surréaliste, 5
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See also

1 Work

The Surrealist Revolution

Complete collection of the most famous and important journal, The Surrealist Revolution. 12 numbers of the journal in 11 issues: from December 1st, 1924 to the 15th of December 1929. Directed by Pierre Naville, Benjamin Péret and André Breton.

[Journal] La Révolution surréaliste