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What’s the matter...

First period of hypnotic sleeping fits



Author non identifié
Person cited Renée Gauthier
Notes by non identifié


Autograph manuscript of a 1922 sleeping fit, on Littérature letterheaded paper. Written on Littérature letterheaded paper, we can in fact detect preoccupations which were apparent in the Congress of Paris – the letterheaded paper of which was used for the first period of ‘sleeping fits’. "What is modern music?" someone asks when the dreamer evokes a child who "hums" - this "someone" undoubtedly being Breton, organizer of this aborted Congress where "the Modern Spirit" was to find ways to define itself and direct itself. But the seriousness of the theorist is opposed to the freedom of the dreamer, in the grip of a "prolonged and noisy hilarity". The adjectives betray here the writer’s discomfort... This dreamer at liberty is finally in the grip of fantasies that were perhaps not noticed by his friends, being less experienced in psychoanalytical motives that we are today – but how can one fail to notice this "pencil", "big and fat", that a child "sticks into his head" without drawing any blood? 1 page in-4° on Littérature letterheaded paper, handwritten on both sides in ink: "Joan of Arc: what’s this one again... What is it? - My child sticking a pencil in his head."
Creation date1922
Date of publication 1922
Physical descriptionMs - encre

Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet, Paris : BRT 161

Method of acquisition and collectionBibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet, Paris, don Aube et Oona Elléouët
Keywords, , ,
Set[Manuscripts] Sommeils
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