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Detour Through the Sky The Young Shoots Land of Colour All Things Mysterious

Les Champs magnétiques [The Magnetic Fields]



Author André Breton
People cited Georgina Dubreuil, Jacques Vaché, Gilbert de Voisins


Signed manuscripts by André Breton from Les Champs magnétiques. An anthology of texts from 1919-1921 - from Les Champs magnétiques (recopied texts, proofs for the journal Littérature) to a text on Jacques Vaché, which will be included in Les Pas perdus [The Lost Steps] - this collection takes great strides, spanning an output placed under the sign of metamorphosis. Dada had not yet arrived, Vaché was already dead, and the first surrealist texts were already being written. A page borrowed from Gilbert de Voisins - Segalen's friend - has strayed into the file, an innocently Japanese sign of the times, just as another modernity is being invented, that of this Dadaist article entitled ‘Haute couture’. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005] Four signed autograph poems [Les Champs magnétiques, 1920]. ‘Détour par le ciel’ [Detour Through the Sky], ‘Les jeunes pousses’ [The Young Shoots], ‘Terre de couleur’ [Land of Colour], ‘Tout ce qu'il y a de mystérieux’ [All Things Mysterious]: four signed autograph poems [Les Champs magnétiques, 1920]. 4 pages in-16 and in-18 on blue paper in blue ink; each poem titled and signed by Breton with the words: "Les Champs magnétiques". [Auction Catalogue, 2003]


André Breton (Édition de Marguerite Bonnet avec la collaboration de Philippe Bernier, Étienne-Alain Hubert et José Pierre), Les Champs magnétiques, Œuvres complètes, tome I, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, Paris, Gallimard, 1988, pp. 95-96.


Creation date1919 - 1921
Bibliographical materialMS - blue ink on blue paper - 4 pages in-16 and in-18
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2012
Keywords, ,
CategoriesAndre Breton's Manuscripts
Set[AB's Manuscripts] Miscellaneous Manuscripts
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