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Question & Answer

The surrealist game of question & answer



Authors Jacqueline Lamba, André Breton
People cited Honoré de Balzac, Salvador Dalí, Marcel Duchamp, Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry


Autograph manuscripts by Jacqueline Lamba and André Breton, dated 6 February 1935. In 1935, the surrealist games continue, even though Marcelle Ferry has been replaced by Jacqueline Lamba at Breton's side. It appears that the ‘parlour game’ element of these games takes precedence here over that of poetic research. This does not preclude these ‘games’ from being preserved, perhaps as much for what they captured of a particular moment as for the discoveries to which they led. All writing can have a value; the surrealist refusal of ‘literature’ carries the possibility of a re-evaluation of all literature, even if only in an evening’s simple pleasure. [Atelier André Breton website, 2005] Autograph manuscripts, 6 February 1935. - 6 February 1935: 20 pages in-4° handwritten in green and red ink on pink, blue and green paper by Breton and Jacqueline Lamba, Breton's wife. - 5 pages in-4° handwritten in green ink on pink paper on the front by Breton and dated by him "6 February 1935 Jacqueline André", each containing two groups of question & answer games. For the groups marked A & B, the questions begin with, "What would you do if...?”; for the groups marked C, D & E, the questions begin with, "What would happen if...?”; for groups F, G, H, I, J & K, "What is...?” and; for groups L & M, "What will become of...?” Note the presence of small drawings of faces in green ink by Breton in the margin of G, H, L. - 5 pages in-4° handwritten on the front in green ink on blue paper by Breton, not folioed, each containing two groups of question and answer games, the questions beginning with "What would you do if...?” or "How... ?" or "Where does...?" or "If... ? ". - 8 in-4° pages, handwritten in green ink on green paper (three of which are on both sides) by Benjamin Péret and dated by him (opposite J) "6 February 1935 - André. Jacqueline", with thirteen groups of three question & answer games marked: J, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L & M. For the groups marked J & B, the questions begin with, "What would you do if...?”; for D, D & E, "What would happen if...?”; for F, G, H, I, J & K, "What is...?”, and; for L & M, "What will become of...?” [Auction Catalogue, 2003] - 2 pages in-4° ...
Creation date06-fév-35
Bibliographical material20 pages in-4°.
Date of publication 1935
Physical descriptionMs - encre verte sur papiers rose, bleu et vert
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2193
Set[Jeux surréalistes] enveloppe Jeux surréalistes, [Jeux surréalistes] Jeu des questions-réponses
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See also

1 Work

Jeu question réponse

non identifié

Manuscrit autographe par un scribe non identifié d'un jeu de questions et réponses non daté.
13 images, une notice descriptive à compléter.

[Jeux surréalistes] enveloppe Jeux surréalistes