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First papers of Surrealism

Hanging by André Breton, his twine Marcel Duchamp 14 October-7 November 1942



Author André Breton
With Robert Motherwell
Illustrated by Alexander Calder, Leonora Carrington, Marc Chagall, Max Ernst, David Hare, André Masson, Roberto Echauren Matta, Kurt Seligmann, Yves Tanguy
Cover design by Marcel Duchamp
Preface by Sidney Janis


Catalogue of the First Papers of Surrealism exhibition held at the Whitelaw Reid Mansion from 7 to 14 November 1942.

Printed on coated paper and designed by André Breton, this catalogue is illustrated with numerous reproductions by Chirico, Duchamp, Ernst, Masson, Matta, Tanguy, etc.

Wonderful cover by Marcel Duchamp consisting of the reproduction of a piece of gruyère on the inside front cover and, on the front cover, of genuine perforations corresponding to the mark of pistol shots fired at the wall of Kurt Seligmann’s property near New York.


- Paris, Musée national d'art moderne - Centre Georges Pompidou, André Breton, la beauté convulsive, 1991


- Paris, Musée national d'art moderne - Centre Georges Pompidou, André Breton, la beauté convulsive, 1991, rep.p. 350

Date of publication 1942
Publicationfirst publication
LanguagesEnglish, French
Physical description

Merci à la galerie 1900-2000 pour les images.

Illustrationsreproductions en noir
PublisherSans éditeur
Copyright© ADAGP, Paris, 2013
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 516
Keywords, ,
CategoriesCatalogues, books on art, artist's books, Books, Catalogs, Journals
ExhibitionsFirst papers of Surrealism , André Breton, La Beauté convulsive
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