Notes made following the German invasion in June 1940
Olivier (Person cited)
Breton's handwritten notes dating from 1940 some of which were included in the Ajours section of Arcane 17.
21 images, a descriptive note.
Olivier (Person cited)
Breton's handwritten notes dating from 1940 some of which were included in the Ajours section of Arcane 17.
21 images, a descriptive note.
Olivier (Person cited)
Manuscrit du texte qui accompagne une bande dessinée à paraître dans Arts du 28 décembre 1951 au 8 février 1952.
Six images, une notice descriptive, une bibliographie.
Olivier (Person cited)
Extrait d'un catalogue de vente de la librairie Victor Lemasle.
Une image, une notice descriptive.