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Lettre d'Édouard Jaguer à Maurice Bonnefoy, datée de Paris le 22 septembre 1960.

Creation date22/09/1960
Destination address
Bibliographical material

2 pages in-4° - Ts - encre noire

From / ProvenanceTransmis par Édouard Jaguer
Place of origin
Number of pages2 p.
CategoriesForwarded Correspondences
Set[Correspondance] Correspondance avec Édouard Jaguer, [Exhibitions] 1960, International Surrealist Exhibition, D'Arcy Galleries, New-York
Exhibition1960, Surrealist Intrusion in the Enchanters' Domain, International Surrealist Exhibition, D'Arcy Galleries, New York
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Place of origin
Place of destination
Exhibition place