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Enquiry for L'Art magique



Author André Breton
People cited Raymond Abellio, Henri-Corneille Agrippa, René Alleau, Albrecht Altdorfer, Robert Ambelain, Pierre Auger, Michel Bakounine, Alesso Baldovinetti, Balthus, Georges Bataille, Charles Baudelaire, Jacques Bellange, Giovanni Bellini, Henri Bergson, William Blake, Maurice Blanchot, Hyeronimus Bosch, Sandro Botticelli, Gabriel Bounoure, Georges Braque, Victor Brauner, Valentin Bresle, Alberto Burri, Roger Caillois, Eugène Canseliet, Olivier de Carfort, Leonora Carrington, Charles Dodgson, Michel Carrouges, Enrico Castelli, Marc Chagall, Chalon, Malcolm de Chazal, Chéops, Louis Chochod, Henri Chopin, Juan Eduardo Cirlot, Gustave Courbet, André Coyné, Lucas Cranach, Modesto Cuikart, Salvador Dalí, Pierre Daura, Giorgio De Chirico, Claude Debussy, John Dee, Eugène Delacroix, Robert Droguet, Marcel Duchamp, Albrecht Dürer, Mircea Eliade, Max Ernst, J. Evola, Jean Fautrier, Marie-Anne Fèbvre-Desportes, Léonor Fini, Élie-Charles Flamand, Robert Fludd, Paul Gauguin, Matila Ghyka, Albert Gilou, Giorgione, Remy de Gourmont, Francesco Goya, Louis Poirier, dit Julien Gracq, Mathias Grünewald, Luis A. Guerra, Jean Guiart, Martin Heidegger, Jindřich Heisler, Jean Herbert, A. Holbein, Myriam Hopkins, Serge Hutin, René Huyghe, Jean-Dominique Ingres, Radovan Ivsic, Robert Jaulin, Alain Jouffroy, Carl Gustav Jung, Vassily Kandinsky, Raphaël Kerumian, Ernest Ludwig Kirchner, Paul Klee, Pierre Klossowski, Oskar Kokoschka, Georges de La Tour, Robert Lebel, Gérard Legrand, Lancelot Lengyel, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Henri Lhong, Eveline Lot-Falck, Stéphane Lupasco, René Magritte, Michel Maier, André Malraux, Manina, Joyce Mansour, Mantegna, Marc, Jean Markale, Marcel Martiny, Henri Matisse, Roberto Echauren Matta, Hans Memling, Michel-Ange, Millais, Pierre Molinier, André Mora, Gustave Moreau, César Moro, Edvard Munch, René Nelli, Wolfgang Paalen, Viviana Pâques, Pierre Bruegel l'Ancien, Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim, dit Paracelse, Pasimir, Aimé Patri, Jean Paulhan, Octavio Paz, Mario Pedrosa, Benjamin Péret, Francis Picabia, Pablo Picasso, André Pieyre de Mandiargues, Clémence Ramenoux, Ramsès 9, Herbert Edward Read, Jean Reboul, Odilon Redon, Rembrandt, Milo Rigaud, Rainer Maria Rilke, Arthur Rimbaud, Gilbert Robin, Jérôme A. Rony, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Henri, dit le Douanier Rousseau, Salomon Trismosin, Denis Saurat, André Savoret, Schoenberg, Raymond Schwab, R. Schwaller de Lubicz, Paul Sérant, Jean-Baptiste Colbert de Beaulieu, Etienne Souriau, Max Walter Svanberg, Yves Tanguy, Titien, François-Dominique Toussaint, dit Toussaint Louverture, Marie Cerminova, dite Toyen, Paolo Uccello, H. J. Urban, Robert Vallin, Van Der Weyden, Hubert et Jean Van Eyck, Vincent Van Gogh, Diego Vélasquez, Vermeer, Jean Vinchon, Léonard de Vinci, Jean Wahl, René Warcollier


Handwritten notebook of the enquiry formulated by André Breton together with Gérard Legrand for L'Art magique. It was in close collaboration with Gérard Legrand, in a work of nearly four years, that Breton wrote L'Art magique [Magical Art]. In support of his thinking, Breton launched a wide-ranging enquiry that was faithful to a tried and tested method, but which had up until then mainly been used in the issues of magazines. The results of the enquiry are recorded here methodically, with each interviewee's verbatim response occupying the right-hand page, while the left-hand pages are taken up by lists of numbers. This in fact corresponds to the last question of the enquiry: the classification, "in the order of the magic", of eleven documents (an Egyptian drawing, a Gaulish coin, etc.) up to a painting by De Chirico and the frontispiece of Kandinsky’s Concerning the Spiritual in Art). In all, Breton approached eighty people, among whom were artists (Leonora Carrington, Magritte, Paalen, Molinier); ethnologists (such as Levi-Strauss); philosophers (such as Caillois, Heidegger), and; writers, (such as Malraux, Paulhan, Bataille, Klossowsky, Gracq, Malcolm de Chazal, André Pieyre de Mandiargues...). Autograph manuscript (1957). - Spiral notebook in-8° of 60 handwritten pages by Breton concerning the enquiry for L'Art magique. André Breton asked five questions to ethnologists, sociologists, professionals or connoisseurs of art. He included in this notebook key phrases that he had taken from the responses by Leonora Carrington, Denis Seurat, André Malraux, René Huyghe, René Magritte, Jean Markale, Maurice Blanchot, Eugène Canseliet, Georges Bataille, etc. [Auction Catalogue 2003]
Creation date1957
Bibliographical material60 pages in-4° MS - blue, red, black inks and black pencil

Bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet, Paris : BRT 117

Number of pages60 p.
Breton Auction, 2003Lot 2435
Keywords, ,
CategoriesManuscripts, Andre Breton's Manuscripts
Set[Inquiries] L'Art magique
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1 Comment

Les images 49 et 50 concernent Gabriel Bounoure, oncle de Vincent B., et critique littéraire réputé (sa bibliothèque et ses correspondances, en possession de son petit-fils, sont mis en vente le 16 décembre 2009).

gilles bounoure
